Friday, November 7, 2008

Mikkelson Girls Getting into Trouble with the Law

Okay, not really, but Avery did come voting with me and she's not 18 yet. I'm excited that prop 22 has passed (though not by much) and it makes me optimistic that California might not drop into the ocean after all. Avery and I are staying busy, trying hard not to miss Reed too much (he comes home in about 34 days), and getting used to doing everything ourselves. Though it has been challenging being without a husband these past few months, our relationship has deepened in unforseen ways and I would almost recommend it. Avery is in preschool now and loving it. She's also developed a habit of talking with a british accent and singing in latin with mommy, but she's an only child so you can't blame her.

1 comment:

Karina said...

I just had to comment on this photo, because I love it so much. So much attitude...reminds me of my little Kamryn!